Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Arachnid Update and ANOTHER OBT MOULT with pictures!!!(EVERYBODY LOVES PICTURES)

Hi guys,here is an arachnid update of my T's(Tarantulas) and Scorps(Scorpions)!!And ANOTHER moult from the SAME OBT(which means it moulted TWICE in two months)...Any improvement in size?? colour??Up first...My OBT exoskeleton that it shed...I think its a female.

The Actual BeautyIt surprised me because it moulted last month....Then moulted this month again!!!!

My Rose Hair...Still very small.....Got him on October or september...You can see how small it is compared to a Superworm(Not Mealworm)

My Fat-Abdomened Costa Rican Zebra.....
Voracious eater...I love him(or her)Could be in premoult.
My SALMON PINK(Maybe Male)
Next to four 50cent coins....Its big. Is in premoult.. Hope it will moult soon.

My Asian Forest Scorpion Female(Maybe Gravid)
Please Help me confirm....Gravid or not???